It’s easy to feel like you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place when you are just starting out as a DJ. But did you know there are certain things that instantly let promoters know you haven’t taken your DJing career seriously? Let’s take a look at the 7 Ways your DJ Fanpage on Facebook Screams “I’m An Amateur” to Promoters.

1. You Have a DIY Logo Made from Stock Images of Headphones

Unless you’re a graphic designer, leave this logo making for the pros. This is your first impression to the world, don’t cheapen your brand because you wanted to save a few bucks. If you are serious about your DJing career, and by reading this article we can assume you are, invest in your brand. Your logo is the single most powerful marketing tool, it is the image to your DJ brand.

2. Your Facebook Cover Photo Is Of Another DJ

Now this one should be a given but I’ve seen it come through the pipeline a time or two. The problem is it doesn’t tell a promoter anything about YOU! Except maybe the fact you are a fan of this dude.

3. You Have Thousands of Fans, with Only 3 people “Talking About This”

A DJ that buys likes, views or follows may not always be committed to being a total douche bag to get ahead at all costs but rather victim of lack of information about how to genuinely build a fanbase online. The common thought of more views or fans or followers equaling an increased likelihood that your profile will rank higher and be seen by more people is completely off mark. In addition, lack of understanding how the music industry actually works makes one think their chances of being discovered by someone influential in the industry. If your DJ fanpage fails the Facebook fan engagement rate test, you will most often be ignored by promoters.

4. Your DJ Bio Tells Your Life Story

We get it, you have been passionate about music from an early age. Most of us have been bobbin’ around to beats before we could walk, so it doesn’t tell a promoter anything really about you. Try this instead: Tell the reader your unique story. Expand on your design, style and tone that evokes the feeling you want to give when your fans land on your Facebook fan page. For example, if you are a party rockin’ DJ make sure the character in your bio reflects so. If you are a die hard strictly vinyl playing jock, show it.

5. Your Links Don’t Work

Take the 10 minutes before you send that email out to introduce yourself and make sure everything is streamlined. Now how annoying is it to get to a page and there are dead links? Even worse, finding out the link doesn’t even exist after you google it.

6. Your Contact Email Is

This one is just hilarious, but I had to say it because it happens and it’s totally unacceptable. Your email is another extension of your DJ brand, if you want to be taken seriously get yourself a spanking new professional email address. I hear they are just giving them away at Google for free.

7. Every Post On Facebook Is A Mix Telling People To Listen

Can you imagine a world if we all communicated in the same means as we do on Facebook? Let’s suppose you are walking down the street and some guy comes up to you and goes:

“I am a DJ/producer. Please support me by looking at ME and check out MY mixtape titled ‘Its show time or no time’ its at MY house and u can listen to it if you come over. Thank You.”

This dude sounds like a complete D-bag, well not complete he did say a ‘thank you’ but no one wants to talk to someone who only talks about themselves…PERIOD. As a receiver of the message there is nothing in it for you, you just had some random DJ/producer waste your time and ultimately, his.

The bottom line here is DJs that engage more with their fans also motivate their fans to take action. This by coming to your gigs and/or purchasing what your selling, whatever that may be which, essentially, what really what it all comes down to for a promoter.