JustGo and Topple Track are in the business of collecting data, and lots of it. They both use data to power software that provides valuable services for musicians and content creators. Although the services help musicians of all types, the access to data on electronic music made them think it would be interesting to look at the popularity of DJs based on the metrics that they track. They gathered the number of Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Soundcloud fans, as well as mentions from Google with Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) piracy notices as listed in ChillingEffects.org.
They then looked at the top 100 DJs by taking into account the number of Total Fans as well as New Fans acquired in 2013. While Total Fans is more reflective of a DJ’s overall popularity, New Fans – as they define it – is more reflective of current excitement. Therefore, they gave Total Fans a 2:1 weighting against New Fans or 60% for Total Fans versus 30% for New Fans.
There is also a degree of popularity that can be measured outside of social media. They looked at mentions across Google and summed the total number of mentions from Google with Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) piracy notices as listed in ChillingEffects.org. The overall popularity outside of social media accounts for 10% of each DJ’s total score.
JustGO is a revolutionary social media audience management platform for the music and entertainment industry. JustGo is able to seamlessly public content to and blend the data aggregation across multiple social media platforms into an ‘at a glance,’ comprehensive view of which social media content is working well with one’s audience. JustGo is available on web and iPhone.
Topple Track is the web’s leading content monitoring and piracy protection platform for musicians, record labels and distribution services. Topple Track provides piracy removal services to more than 1,000 EDM focused clients.