Denver, Colorado…a beautiful city nestled against a grand mountain range deep within the Midwest. Boasting a semi-arid climate with dark blue skies and great scenery, it’s the perfect destination for a growing family. Mom and dad can find great jobs if they excel in the natural sciences field since petroleum oil is huge here. Or maybe Junior wants to attend the University of Denver and taste a delicious burrito at the first Chipotle ever built. But what about grandma? What will she want to do while everyone else is going about their happy tranquil lives? Well you didn’t know hear it from me, but grandma spends her Friday and Saturday nights getting whacked out on Electro House.
See what many people don’t know is that Denver, Colorado is a diamond in the rough. It’s becoming the next Mecca of Electronic Dance Music (EDM) here in the United States and Beatport plays a huge role in the movement there. They cater to the largest electronic acts in the world since they control a huge portion of the digital rights in regards to online music. Their presence is widely known and they use this advantage to monopolize the market and push the Electronic Music movement into their general direction. It’s no mere coincidence that Club Beta, the most successful night club in Denver, is run by Brad Roulier, co-owner of Beatport.
So what’s the scene like? Well if you know who’s who and what’s what, you can find some truly gnarly experiences hidden deep within the city. Big name acts like Tiesto, Skrillex, Kaskade, Deadmau5, and many others frequent clubs like Beta and The Church.
Beta is more of your standard EDM nightclub, with casual attire and mainstream acts. The club is usually packed and presale tickets are highly advised because everybody wants in. They recently started blasting the crowd with liquid nitrogen air bursts to keep the place nice and chill, definitely a major perk for those sweaty nonstop shuffle fests. They are also a large venue, meaning when it’s not so packed, you can get some pretty decent dancing going on.
The Church is more of an experiment that has proven to be very successful. It’s actually a real life church that was converted into a nightclub. Outside may have you wanting to confess your deepest sins, but inside you just might sin all over again. Most partygoers state the floors vibrate like crazy due to the heavy bass that reverbs off the old structure. Sickness! Best yet is that more big wigs frequent this club and due to the weird structure…natural acoustics make this the best place to hear some spectacular synths. I would highly recommend this experience since it’s not often you get to blast Broken Beats in a place of worship.
There are a lot more clubs in Denver to check out and surprisingly, neither The Church nor Beta is considered the best. Yes, they cater to the exclusive DJs, but that doesn’t mean the entire atmosphere is something everyone enjoys. Sometimes you need a bit more pizzazz to spice up the night. Maybe you don’t want to stand shoulder to shoulder in a room that smells like old sweat socks. Where do you go? Well, I’m going to leave that a secret for now. Usually the best things in life are worth discovering on your own and I find that to be true here, too.
In order to get a true feeling for Denver you must hang out! The nightlife is incredible and sometimes the jazz shows blow away their EDM counterparts. In fact, there are some jazz clubs that even couple together electronic synths until you feel like you’re about to pass out from sexy music overload. It’s gorgeous because most of the DJs and producers at these types of events are extremely underground. They’re passionate about their music, which – coupled with the atmosphere – is simply stunning and shouldn’t be missed.
So the next time you stop in clean-air-smelling Denver, Colorado, make sure you stay a night or two. And hey, it’s not even just Denver, Colorado, anymore. The entire state has been bitten by the electronic bug, so try not to act too surprised when you hear Dubstep blasting at full volume a few cities over. Everyone wants to jump into the market so you’ll never find a shortage of DJs or producers in this state.
Just like any seedling grows well with fresh water and sunlight, so has EDM in Colorado. A tranquil state that brings about mental clarity goes hand in hand with music that can sometimes transcend the soul. Uplifting Trance Music + Glovers + Starry Night Sky = Experience of a Lifetime.