EDM Singles Roundup December 31 to January 7

This week, artists dabble in old school, attempt to blend country and dubstep, and prove that, after a few listens, by-the-numbers progressive house gets old real fast. Chill out, feel the energy, or get out on the dance floor with many of these strong, new tunes. New This Week Velferd [...]

By |2023-11-23T22:25:19-05:00January 11, 2013|

EDM News Roundup: Week of January 4

What better way to ring in the New Year than with a scientific study that shows electronic dance music distresses birds? A group of African gray parrots were observed when classical, “middle of the road,” and trendy pop music played, and while all birds had a preference for at least [...]

By |2023-11-24T07:38:53-05:00January 4, 2013|

EDM News Roundup: Week of November 9

If you’re into music (and if you’re reading this website, you likely are), you probably collect releases, if not genre memorabilia. This week, Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail pointed out that Lego is introducing a collectible line of toys that includes a DJ Lego Man, complete with a record, [...]

By |2023-11-24T07:39:11-05:00November 9, 2012|
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