Ban EDM? Another Drug Overdose, Another Panic

Every time a drug overdose or hospitalizations occur after a major EDM show, the media in North America turns clueless. News outlets don’t know how to describe the phenomena – in some cases, adopting dated language, like a recent Boston Globe article about a similar incident at an Avicii concert [...]

By |2023-11-24T07:32:22-05:00August 15, 2014|

How EDM Is Good For The Economy

On June 18th, 1971, Nixon addressed congress calling drug abuse “public enemy number one”. Since then, there has been an all out war on drugs.  According to, marijuana in particular “...constitutes almost half of all drug arrests.”  Be that as it may, beginning in the early hours of 2014, [...]

By |2023-11-24T07:33:52-05:00February 12, 2014|

It’s the Molly, Stupid: Why the Perceived Intertwining of EDM and Drugs Is (and Isn’t) to Blame for the Deaths and Early Closing of Electric Zoo

By now, you’ve likely heard the report, either through a news program or Twitter feed: Two people died as a result of drug overdoses during the first two days of Electric Zoo, prompting the NYPD and Mayor Bloomberg to cancel the EDM festival’s final day. Jeffrey Russ, 23, and Olivia [...]

By |2023-11-24T07:34:02-05:00September 4, 2013|
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